Are you doing what matters?
Me and my best friend. Meet Meg, the gorgeous human being on the left. We have known each other since kindergarten, and we have done a lot of good and crazy stuff since then! She is my go-to person, my confidant, my sounding board, and my sister from another mother.
Not many people are blessed with a person who you can trust fully, bare your soul without the fear of being judged and just that someone who you can call anytime, shovel ready, to help you bury a body. That’s her, my very own Meggy Star. I am very grateful for her..
Here are the top three things that have made a difference in my week.
They might also be useful for you, or not.
Dr. Ben Carvosso, the Life Coach, the Chiropractor
What can I say? I am very lucky to be working for Dr. Ben. Who wouldn’t be? Everyday I get to witness his awesomeness as a life coach, a mentor, an entrepreneur, a boss, a radio host, a friend, a father, and a husband. I am also the receiving end of some curveballs that pushed me outside of my comfort zone that helped me discover what else I am capable of. Through him I get to know the inner workings of the incredible minds of people in his circle, further pushing my understanding of the world and a lot of what makes life what it is today. Cheers to you Dr. Ben! (no alcoholic beverages on that salute! )
3) My go to YouTube channel...
There are lot going on YouTube nowadays, but if you know what to look for then it is a treasure throve of knowledge and tools for skills building. YouTube is where I go for tutorials for Dr. Ben's tasks that I don't have any training yet. During the long months of the pandemic, I also turned to YouTube as a source of recipes that helped me deal with the stress and the uncertainty. I have prepared dishes upon dishes of yummy food I have served my family with. It has also thought me how to bake and even made a side hustle out of it! So yeah, if you have taken a time out from YouTube, go right back in and give it another go. You might be surprised what you can dig up this time around.
Check out John of Preppy Kitchen for awesome recipes!
P.s. The quote of the week is...
“Keep on keepin’ on.” — Unknown
I would love your feedback on what had an impact on you and the lesson in it, the moral of the story, or the learning you would share.
Have a ripper finish to your week.
Are you doing what matters?
Cheers, Dr. Ben
#LifesWork #LifeCEO #DRBENCARVOSSO #Reflection #Rituals #Pictures