Book yourself a seat. It only takes 60 Seconds.
With our 5 simple keys to accelerated fat loss you will lose weight and gain energy, clarity, focus and vitality.
There are no pills, shakes, supplements or amazon berries that were used in the space shuttle.
Just simple easy to prepare, yummy to eat meals that you create to suit your taste.
Your ability to do what it takes, to change your eating habits, will come easy as your mindset improves and you get clear on who you need and want to be.
Electricity Power vs Diesel Power
Sounds weird right! However most people are powering their body like an electrical powered car. A quick charge that gives a boost of energy, but its not sustainable. The key is to start powering yourself like a diesel engine. Put fuel in it that causes massive power that lasts. Thats how you become a high performer throughout the day, rather than a peak performer. You will discover how to do this easily.
That Fat Doesn't
Make You Fat.
I know you are thinking, WTF. Its true it’s not fat that is the problem causing weight gain and lethargy. It’s the type of fuel you are putting in your body. You will make a serious “WOW” sound as you learn the truth about fat and the role it plays in you not only being a high performer physically but also mentally.
A Way to Cause Your Body to REPAIR Itself
This amazing ability of the body to repair is predicated on you behaving a certain way. You will learn about the incredible power that comes from within the body when you… Oh no, I’m not going to tell you the secret here, then you might not come to the workshop. I promise you though, this one simple strategy when applied can transform your health today and into the future.
The Diet of The Most Successful People On The Planet
I know that a big statement. But hear is the thing… There are people who are incredibly successful in life that seem to have extra-ordinary talents or skills. They get up early, stay up late, smile, laugh, create, inspire and change the lives of people who connect with them. Many of these people have something in common. The put BODY FIRST. They have learnt how to treat food as fuel, for maintaining the health and vitality of their body. They often have a strategy to looking after themselves, so that they can achieve all that they do. Would you want to know that strategy? I’ll share it with you.
4 Keys to Eating a Match For Your Genes
This is one of the most exciting parts of the workshop. Here you learn what it means to live a genetically congruent lifestyle and how to choose your foods to match your genes. Sounds complicated, but its not. Its dead easy. There are just 4 keys to focus on, if you want to maximise body performance, and minimise the chance of chemical stress on your body, resulting in disease and sickness.
An Opportunity
I truly believe that this workshop can create the opportunity for you to change not only your life but the lives of others around you. 19 years ago I discovered the information I share at this workshop and it has changed, not only my health but the health of my family. It was at a workshop just like this one (except the one I went to lasted a day) that my health changed for ever. I will give you the keys that I learnt, so you and your family have the best chance for a high performance life.
The Diet of The Most Successful People On The Planet
I know that a big statement. But hear is the thing… There are people who are incredibly successful in life that seem to have extra-ordinary talents or skills. They get up early, stay up late, smile, laugh, create, inspire and change the lives of people who connect with them. Many of these people have something in common. The put BODY FIRST. They have learnt how to treat food as fuel, for maintaining the health and vitality of their body. They often have a strategy to looking after themselves, so that they can achieve all that they do. Would you want to know that strategy? I’ll share it with you.
How do I sustain the motivation, and know what to do when I get home, after the workshop?
Go to the links on this webpage and BOOK A PREMIUM TICKET.
All participants who book a premium ticket get online access to a video recording of the fat nuking workshop. Plus you get access to all the recipe video's. you can watch these on you iPad or iPhone whilst you cook in the kitchen. they are recorded in real time and all the recipe's take less than 15 min's preparation time.
There is no other workshop like this one. Seriously, if you are wanting to lose weight and gain energy this workshop is a must do for YOU!
You get to see how its done.
Dr. Ben hates powerpoint presentations, but loves video.
Thinks he is a movie star in the making. So everything he presents has been recorded for you to see during the workshop, but also PREMIUM ticket holders get exclusive access to all the course online including video's of all the recipe's.
You leave with the knowledge
This is more than a good feeling workshop. You will leave feeling empowered with the knowledge of how it works, why it works and with a clear strategy on how to put it into action.
It is recommended that if you live with someone else that shares the food, preparation and eating that you book a ticket for them as well. This is key in setting you up for success. BRING YOUR PARTNER ALONG!