Dr. Ben Carvosso

3 THINGS THURSDAY - 27 July 2023

Are you doing what matters?

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Introducing Tilly, my 3 year old lab.
Although this was taken in spring I thought it was fitting to my overall theme of this week's reflections, that being to stop and smell the roses. She is always constantly smiling with her tail wagging so I hope it brings a smile to someone's face!

Here are the top three things that have made a difference in my week.
They might also be useful for you, or not.

1) New places and new friends...

As I approach my 37th Birthday and reflecting over my past year, it’s becoming more and more apparent that I am happy with the people in my life. Over the years, my inner circle has gotten smaller and smaller and I used to struggle with this. I’m focusing on the quality of what these people bring to my life. I no longer want the drama, I want the good times, the honest times, to be myself without worrying about the judgement. Is this me finally peaking into adulthood? I’ve often wondered what that would feel like? I’ve definitely not got it all together, but it’s a work in progress.

2) Food food food...

Over the past few weeks, I've realized that my food choices haven't been the best – lots of sugary and packaged stuff. With all the stress from lifestyle changes and less time for exercise, my eating and sleeping routines got totally messed up. This week I acknowledged this. I took the time to slow down, write a list for groceries and chose a few items I wouldn’t usually cook with - squash and sweet potato were the chosen ones. I absolutely love my relationship with food and knowing its value to my wellbeing. Remember to take time to be interested in what we fuel ourselves with, food is powerful stuff!

3) Time with family..

I hate having to schedule in time to see family. It’s almost like scheduling time to relax. It doesn’t seem right to me. I’ve started noticing that I was having to schedule time to see family recently even for my partner who I live with. While this may work for some, I’ve asked myself to embrace opportunities when they arise. This might be dropping in to read my niece a book, taking my aunt for a walk around the block, meeting dad at the coffee shop while walking the dog. Tonight I’ll be turning off the TV and bringing out the UNO cards for Stuart and I so we can actually enjoy each other's company.

P.s. The quote of the week is...

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." - Robert Brault

I would love your feedback on what had an impact on you and the lesson in it, the moral of the story, or the learning you would share.

Have a ripper finish to your week.

Are you doing what matters?

Take a FREE 5-minute Assessment

Cheers, Dr. Ben

#LifesWork #LifeCEO #DRBENCARVOSSO #Reflection #Rituals #Pictures

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