Dr. Ben Carvosso

3 THINGS THURSDAY - 22nd Apr 2021

Are you doing what matters?

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The motley crew of hikers I hiked to the top of Mt Bogong (highest Mountain in Victoria) last weekend. The crew I do a 1-week hike with every year. We don't see each other much throughout the year but come together to walk and talk. We share stories, solve challenges and learn from each other. All from diverse backgrounds, diverse professions, and diverse religions. Our flexibility and not taking life and ourselves too seriously means we get to share our different opinions openly. The track and Mt Beauty (Mountain Creek Camp Ground) where we based ourselves was amazing and the hike to the top of Bogong was stunning and tough. 10km and a 1300m ascent to the summit with an alternate 15km descent made for a full day and a tired group of boys at the end.

This year my son Logan joined us as the youngest member (used to be me) with the oldest of the “boys” at 70yrs.

Ps. Always love a photo with a warning sign in the background.

Here are the top three things that have made a difference in my week.
They might also be useful for you, or not.

1) A great new app I am using...

Insight Timer

This great app had a massive collection of different meditations, music, and background sounds to help with creating more peace, relaxation, and sleep. Of course, it is full of different meditations ranging from 5min to an hour. You can pick the time to suit, and it will guide you and let you know when your time is up. Super good, and a great way to start into meditation or as an assist to your current practice. Check it out.

2) A great podcast interview I did with...

Alex Tyson from The Sweat It Out Podcast

Alex is a super interesting guy who is constantly exploring ways to live a better life. He has done a fasting retreat in Costa Rica where he only drank water for (wait for it…) 30 days. He has been a guest presenter and mentor to my Thrive Boardroom group, and this week I got to return the favour as a guest on his podcast. Loved the interview, as he knew how to ask just the right questions.

If you have not heard me talk about life purpose before you might enjoy it.

If you are wanting the podcast, go HERE. If you are wanting to watch the video recording, go HERE.

3) A great bit of tech I bought...

Lenovo Smart Clock

After chatting last week with my Thrive Boardroom about the importance of switching off so that you can switch on, one of the members, David, had got his phone out of the bedroom and bought an old-fashioned windup clock alarm. As he pointed out, our phone is often the last thing we touch at the end of the day and the first thing we pick up. OUCH! It really struck me how true that was.

Another member Tim said he had done the same thing but instead bought a smart clock with multiple alarms and settings, including Google Assistant. For me, this felt like the next step. Yep, my phone no longer sleeps with me and it's not the first or last thing I touch. It's been a challenge to disconnect but freeing at the same time. I challenge you to give it a try for a week. No phone from 7 pm until 7 am and leave it out of your room overnight. Let me know how you go or if you already do it what strategies do you use?

P.s. The quote of the week is...

“Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.” Bil Keane

I would love your feedback on what had an impact on you and the lesson in it, the moral of the story, or the learning you would share.

Have a ripper finish to your week.

Are you doing what matters?

Take a FREE 5-minute Assessment

Cheers, Dr. Ben

#LifesWork #LifeCEO #DRBENCARVOSSO #Reflection #Rituals #Pictures

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