Dr. Ben Carvosso

3 THINGS THURSDAY - 6th May 2021

Are you doing what matters?

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My son Logan atop a lot of wood we spent the weekend splitting. I knew one day the kids would become useful. The great man helped me out all weekend carting, splitting, wheelbarrowing, trailering, and unloading over 8m2 of firewood from a nearby block. Could not have done it without him. It is beautiful to see your children transition from girls into women and boys into men. The other helper on the day was the log splitter I hired from Better Rentals in Mornington. The service there (especially from Mark) is amazing, fast, efficient, and easy, just like the log splitter. If you are ever needing to split a heap of wood, do yourself a favor, get yourself a Logan and a log splitter.

Ps. Sorry I am not giving you the link to hire Logan, he is mine.

Here are the top three things that have made a difference in my week.
They might also be useful for you, or not.

1) A great upcoming retreat by the team at Flow Hub...

Consciousness Retreat

Our last retreat was about finding flow with a focus on the hard charger. This retreat is more about finding flow through stillness. The Flow Consciousness Retreat (Mon 17th May to Wed 19th May) offers the space, guidance, and opportunity to learn the practices and perspectives that support you experiencing stillness and the peace and joy contained within.

The location is a comfortable retreat center in beautiful Gippsland with a pool, tennis court, spa, and more - you will have plenty of opportunities to play and relax along with practicing awakening and embodiment practices. We believe awakening is priceless; the retreat, accommodation, and tuition are freely offered. Here is an additional gift as part of the retreat, the cost… Pay what you think it is worth. Yep, in the spirit of consciousness, we are offering the retreat as a gift to the community, and you only pay what you think it is worth. There is an interview process to participate so apply by clicking 

2) A great documentary I just watched...

The Year That Changed

Looking for something positive to come out of the Covid pandemic? This great documentary, narrated by the one and only David Attenborough looks at the effects of humans staying in their homes during the lockdown. Amazing to see how quickly nature returns to balance when humans stop destroying the planet. Not destroying it by some of the big destructive things we do, but by the subtle things, we do that interfere with nature. Check it out. Like many documentaries, it leaves you with sadness and hope at the same time.

3) A new ritual I have added...

Morning Run with Gaz

I have a few early morning rituals throughout the workweek.

Monday 6.30 am Bootcamp at FBFM
Tuesday 6.30 am Run with Gaz
Wednesday 6.00 am Walk and Talk with Ryan
Thursday 6.30 am Bootcamp at FBFM
Friday 6.00 am Run with my Brother
Friday 7.00 am Personal Training with Matt at FBFM

These rituals become anchors in my week and help create certainty before the day and entropy combine to create uncertainty. If you are feeling out of control, uncertain about you or life, stressed or anxious a 100% effective remedy is to create sacred rituals. Sacred means that they always happen. As you can see in the pic Gaz and I are sopping wet from running in the pouring rain this Tuesday. After the run we stop at Macca's for a coffee, then a walk back to the car, solving the problems of the world. It is great to have a ritual, it's even greater to share it with people that inspire and uplift you. I start every day connecting with inspiring people. How could you start your day better, and turn that into a sacred ritual?

P.s. The quote of the week is...

“The key to forming good habits is to make them part of your 'rituals.' I have a morning ritual, afternoon ritual, and Sunday ritual. It's one way to bundle good habits into regular times that you set aside to prepare yourself for the life you want. Rituals help you form habits.” Lewis Howes

I would love your feedback on what had an impact on you and the lesson in it, the moral of the story, or the learning you would share.

Have a ripper finish to your week.

Are you doing what matters?

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Cheers, Dr. Ben

#LifesWork #LifeCEO #DRBENCARVOSSO #Reflection #Rituals #Pictures

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