Are you doing what matters?
Pic of the Week
On a beautiful early morning run in the city last weekend, I ended up at the old Princes Pier at Port Melbourne. Spectacular still quiet morning on the bay, with a cruise liner pulling in in the background. I’m super curious, where do you love going early in the mornings? I’m looking for some recommendations.
Here are the top three things that have made a difference in my week.
They might also be useful for you, or not.
1) A great (for a reason other than the plot) movie I saw...
Terminator - Dark Fate.I can still remember the first terminator movie from 20 years ago featuring Arnie. It was amazing. Well, unfortunately, this 4th or is it 5th installment, was a repeat of the same storyline. Terminator from the future goes back in time to kill someone who will change the future. However, what I was impressed by in this movie was Arnie (72) and Linda Hamilton playing Sarah Conner (63). Inspiring fit and strong looking bodies, despite their age.
2) Something I had this week...
Impostor Syndrome. Yep, I know. I coach clients on this phenomenon yet this week I got a dose of it. It occurred after I made a decision recently to niche my coaching. As I looked into that niche, I started to compare my self with my competitors working in that same niche. The catch is, I compared my worst days with other’s best days. A recipe for disaster. Now I know that it’s not an uncommon syndrome to affect anyone who is pushing into new territory, still, it can be paralyzing if you let it. The key to treating it, is to surround yourself with people who believe in you (sometimes more than yourself), and champion you to keep moving forward. Thank you to my champions.
3) Something I bought...
Aldi Pre-lit Christmas tree. I know it’s not Christmas yet but it’s on special at Aldi this week, so I thought I better tell you about it now. What I love about it is the lights are built-in, so no more trying to get the perfect placement of the string of lights. Great value at $99.
Ps. Their mini stollen is also available with the marzipan center. OMG!
Pss. My favorite quote this week is: “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” - Marcus Aurelius
I would love your feedback on what had an impact on you and the lesson in it, moral of the story, or learning you would share.
Have a ripper finish to your week.
Are you doing what matters?
Cheers, Dr. Ben
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