Dr. Ben Carvosso

3 THINGS THURSDAY - 16th Jan 2020

Are you doing what matters?

Take a FREE 5-minute Assessment

Video of the Week

I caught up with a mate (Ron) at the new beach coffee van at the bottom of Olivers Hill this week. I asked him how I could make 3 Things Thursday better, he suggested I do more videos.

So for the next month be prepared for a video each week. Promise to keep them under 3min, but I can’t promise the quality of the surroundings, my dress code or the state of my hair and makeup. These will all be done in the moment and raw. Starting with this one.

I shot this one at home in my driveway on a sunny arvo this week, we had just had rain and the garden had greened up overnight.

Here are the top three things that have made a difference in my week.
They might also be useful for you, or not.

1) Something I’m thinking about...

What matters most. What is going to matter most in 2020? That's a question I asked the group of family and friends that gathered at home on new years eve. The responses were super varied and interesting. It got me thinking… What matters most vs what matters. My business matters, money matters, my wife matters, my kid’s matter, my health matters, friends matter, so many things matter. For me, it meant what area in my life that matters do I want to grow in 2020. Do I want to grow my health, money, relationships? The challenge is that what matters most is the thing that will bring us the most fear. Whenever we move away from fear we are moving away from the thing that matters most.

I wonder if you could start 2020 deciding what matters most, and embrace the fear that will come from committing to growing that area of your life.

What’s going to matter most for you in 2020?

2) An item I bought for $3 that is cool and warm...

A Buff.An adventure racing mate of mine, Ash, introduced me to this tube of material called a buff. It can be used for Scaf, headband, facemask, hairband, hair circle, hood, hair scarf, wrist band, and first aid wrap. It keeps you warm in the cold, and when wet keeps you cool in the heat. I used one on my last hike, and have been using it again this week during my run training. As Molly Meldrum would say “do yourself a favor” and get one.

I bought my recent buffs on eBay.

Ps. It also gives you the look of having just come off an episode of survivor.

3) Something I’m listening to...

Music on the IKEA Sonos Speakers. I know! IKEA and Sonos? Who would have thought? Amazing! I have just put these speakers into the new practice and they are amazing. Simple to connect to, and sound fantastic. Whilst only $150 a speaker, they sound like $500 speakers (whatever $500 speakers sound like). The only catch is you have to go to IKEA to get them, which of course includes the walk through the IKEA maze, a serve of Swedish meatballs, buying a random couch (you didn’t intend to buy and that won’t fit in your 2 seater car no matter how many different ways you try) and 3 boxes of tealight candles on the way out.

Ps. My favorite quote this week is:“For the meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to day and from hour to hour. What matters, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning of a person's life at a given moment. - Viktor E. Frankl

I would love your feedback on what had an impact on you and the lesson in it, moral of the story, or learning you would share.

Have a ripper finish to your week.

Are you doing what matters?

Take a FREE 5-minute Assessment

Cheers, Dr. Ben

#LifesWork #LifeCEO #DRBENCARVOSSO #Reflection #Rituals #Pictures

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