Are you doing what matters?
Pic of the Week
Last week Michelle and I took time out to do some critical thinking around our business. Thursday and Friday, we attended a “retreat” with our coach. Normally held on the Gold Coast at a resort it has a retreat feel to it. Sadly, this year it was held in my office on Zoom, which just did not have the same feel despite my coach’s best efforts to bring the pizzazz online.
Taking time out of the day to day “business as usual” is essential to all aspects of your life. Critical thinking time is not always easy but it’s essential if you want to build a great business and life.
Here are the top three things that have made a difference in my week.
They might also be useful for you, or not.
1) A Podcast I watched this week...
A Surgical Approach to COVID 19. WARNING: If you don’t want your thinking (possibly) challenged around health and our approach to COVID 19 don’t watch it. For me, this interview with Dr. David Katz the founding director of Yale University’s Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, a past-president of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, and the founder and president of the True Health Initiative was super interesting.
It got me thinking about our government and the media’s approach to acute health conditions vs our complacency around the chronic lifestyle (big killers of life and living). I think worth watching.
2) A great app I am using...
Run-Tempo App. This great app is an easy-to-use metronome for training at an optimal footfall cadence. One of my 9 Run training keys was the importance of a fast cadence, I.e. 180 beats (footsteps) per minute. If you are a runner this is a great app to help you run lighter and faster.
3) A new thing I am thinking about...
It has been great to see businesses reopen this week. From cafes, fashion stores, to the massage therapists at our practice Mornington Peninsula Massage Therapy. It has the feeling literally like they have been in hibernation and are springing back to life. Everyone I have spoken with has a positive energy and has used their time of “rest” to recoup, recalibrate, and to come out stronger as they blossom better, and brighter than before. That’s just like them.
Well done also to the small business owners and their teams who have soldiered on and done whatever it took to keep the doors open. You rock.
This is from THE ESSENCE OF AUSTRALIA’S SPIRIT I think sums it up well...
It is difficult to firmly fix Australia’s National identity or core values in a simple way, there does not appear to be a ‘typical Australian’ with us coming in all shapes and sizes and from all backgrounds and walks of life. There does however seem to be some unique Australian features and a strong sense of identity.
When you see an Australian, you recognize it, a kind of connection and synergy.
Our national characteristics were clearly identifiable in the Diggers - mateship, endurance, ingenuity, teamwork, courage, resilience, and the like. Clearly these didn’t emerge overnight.
They were honed by the challenges our forebears faced in surviving in our remarkable country, with its vast distances, harsh terrain, and unpredictable climate.
Australians in almost every sector overcame obstacles to build our Nation with a practical and pragmatic approach built up over long periods of hardship. The spirit needed to survive, and grow was constantly tested. It produced generations of Australians capable of heroic struggles in their daily lives.
Australians are amazing!
Ps. A quote that fits this week...
“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” - Helen Keller
I would love your feedback on what had an impact on you and the lesson in it, moral of the story, or learning you would share.
Have a ripper finish to your week.
Are you doing what matters?
Cheers, Dr. Ben
#LifesWork #LifeCEO #DRBENCARVOSSO #Reflection #Rituals #Pictures