Dr. Ben Carvosso

3 THINGS THURSDAY - 16th July 2020

Are you doing what matters?

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Pic of the Week

This is the bus I hired complete with personal branding for our Family road trip last week to celebrate Michelle’s big 5-0. We traveled up the East coast to Canberra for a few days as a family of 9 (including the Grandparents). Then back across the border (yes, we made it across, NSW was pleased to see Victorians leaving their state). Great trip. Michelle especially loved her picture plastered across both sides of the bus. Created some interesting looks whenever we pulled up at the traffic lights.

Here are the top three things that have made a difference in my week.
They might also be useful for you, or not.

1) Someone who championed me this week...

FBFM Training. I got back from a 2-week “holiday” helping Michelle celebrate her birthday, bloated, toxic, weakened, and generally in poor shape. On Saturday, this week I had a mini-crisis, woke Sunday determined to get back on track. I rang my Body trainer Matty Dean from FMFM and asked to meet anytime Sunday as I needed to get this “issue” sorted. He made the time to give me a pep talk, sorted out a routine, and threw in some accountability for good measure. This is the kind of person and team you need around you when you are struggling. Someone to champion you, believe in you, and help you get back on track. Get people like this in your corner, reach out to them, and get back on track. You're worth it.

2) A cool random experience I had...

Yass Liberty Theater.We pulled into Yass to grab a coffee on our road trip. Coming out of the cafe, a bloke says “do you want to come and have a look at the old theater?”. With coffees in hand 7 of us follow him into this beautiful old theater. Designed to look like you are on an ocean liner. He gave us a full tour over the next hour of the theater and his dream for transforming it back to its original glory. What I loved most was his passion for movie theaters and his project. Check it out on the link above and next time in Yass drop by and say hi to Paul, you are sure to get a tour.

3) A funny thing that happened...

Dog on the Tuckerbox. It wasn’t so much the statue but the septic tank behind the store located at the road stop that made this into my 3 Things Thursday.. So, the boys got out and started to kick the footy around. A missed kick landed the footy behind a fence near 3 old large septic tanks. Each covered with a concrete lid. My son Logan stepped forward on the first concrete lid to pick up the ball and to his surprise, the lid broke, and both the lid and Logan plunged down into the sewage laden tank. Luckily with young reflexes, he caught himself on the way down and only dipped in the brown smelly liquid up to his knees. Now of course none of us laughed, we killed ourselves with laughter. A bucket of soapy water, hose, and a free souvenir T-shirt from the owner of the store soon rectified the situation.

P.s. Quote of the week is...

“If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month.” Theodore Roosevelt

I would love your feedback on what had an impact on you and the lesson in it, moral of the story, or learning you would share.

Have a ripper finish to your week.

Are you doing what matters?

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Cheers, Dr. Ben

#LifesWork #LifeCEO #DRBENCARVOSSO #Reflection #Rituals #Pictures

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